2008年10月23日 星期四

Journal #4 Cool Things I Learned from CALL

Oh! I miss Robert so hard that we don’t have his class today!!!!!!! LOL~~

During the previous classes, I indeed learned something pretty cool from Robert.
For example, he introduced us a really powerful recorder last time which works just terribly effective, even the whisper can be recorded. I was astonished by such a great toy.
I myself have got a recorder which is the built-in function of MP4; however, the quality of recorded sound is just POOR = =
I would like to have a good one just like Robert’s. (Praying to the almighty god, let me win the lottery…please….)

Another cool thing I learned is that the audio can be upload onto the Internet quick and convenient with the website http://hipcast.com/ . Isn’t it fabulous?

The best idea I liked is to create a blog, with the notices and perhaps the audios, as a media to communicate with the student parents. I think it is a marvelous idea to do so, and it is probably a fantastic way to “disinfect” according to our brilliant master Robert. By the way, it is so cool that I learned a lot of cool words from CALL.
