2008年11月24日 星期一

2008年11月14日 星期五

Journal #7 Speeches

I have listened to two speeches this few days; one of them is “English Next” by David Graddol and the other is “Intercultural Language Learning” by John Corbett. Being a graduate student, I tend to listen to the seminar or speeches much often than I used to be. Yeah, it’s always good to listen to some scholars or professionals’ talks and sharing. Like Newton’s (adopted by Google Scholar) famous dictum—because I stand on giant's shoulder, I should use wisely of what had been achieved or been done by the authorities, I should grab every chance of standing on giant’s shoulder.

One of the themes I found impressive in Dr. Graddol’s speech was that there’s no Standard English in the world. I have heard similar ideas in Rebecca’s class two years ago.
At the forum, Dr. Graddol argues that we are already in a very new kind of environment and a new phase in the global development of English. The number of English users is expanding, and it would probably reach to an amazing amount of statistics. He also analyses the phenomenon by demographic and economic trends in the 21-Century which affect Global English and language policies worldwide and will influence its future. Even though some part of his speech was quite vague to me, I liked the speech and I am happy that I did went to it.

2008年11月11日 星期二

Feature Article: Intercultural Language Teaching

University of Glasgow :: English Language :: John B. Corbett

(MICROSOFT WORD) Feature Article

Feature ArticleIntercultural Language Teachingby John Corbett, University of Glasgow

2008年11月6日 星期四

口說小俚語 sb. take the fall 

No.288 2008.11.05
sb. take the fall (=某人佔領了瀑布?!)

Gary:Don't let your guard down, Sophie. Ken is still plotting.     (不要放鬆妳的警戒,蘇菲。肯恩還在策劃陰謀。 )
Sophie:He's been trying to make me feel uncomfortable and     nervous...and it's working.     (他一直試圖讓我感覺不舒服和緊張...而且已經有了效果。 )
Gary:He's mad about the spreadsheet. Keep your eyes open─   he might engineer some sort of foul-up and then try to make you    take the fall.     (他因為分析表的事很不爽。妳要時時提高警覺,他可能會故意製    造一些錯亂,然後會試圖讓妳一肩承擔所有責任。 )
Sophie:I'll be careful.   (我會小心。 )
.sb. take the fall 某人一肩承擔 此句通常用於某人,不論公平與否,而為了別人所做的事情而接受指 責,其實是類似替別人揹黑鍋的意思,有些人為了保護自己,常會設 計一些陷阱,讓別人"take the fall"。

更多小俚語:別動!你的背已經被抓住了!(=I don't know what's holding sb. back.)

﹝CALL﹞An Invitation to CALL

An Invitation to CALL

The website of the course CALL in LINGUISTICS DEPARTMENT at STANFORD UNIVERSITY which I consider quite good.

2008年11月3日 星期一

Journal #6 More ideas about how to graduate

Last Thursday in Robert's class, we had a great visitor YVONNE to share her precious experience of how she graduate and mostly about how she wrote her thesis. Yvonne indeed told us a lot of details in accomplishing her thesis and I really appreciate that. I learned a lot from her actually. After hearing her talks, I found that it can take a lot of hard working to get thru' all of this tough works. After all, no pains no gains. (There's no free lunch, you must work for what you want. 天下沒有白吃的午餐)
According to Yvonne, the topic part is the most difficult. It does not mean that finding a topic is difficult, but to make sure it is an appropriate and workable topic is. She said that searching for the material or reference was not a big problem for her; however, selecting the useful information out of so many reference she found took her a lot of times. Um...that's an interesting points to me. What I consider writing about is the concept of "Self-translation" in a book called "SWORDBIRD." Mr. Lin, the dean, thought it is a workable topic. Nevertheless, I am kind of worry about lack of the references. Whatever, I am still thinking about whether I'll stick to this topic or not.
In addition to writing a thesis, it is said to publish a JOURNAL article in well-known journals like SSCI. Well, if one publish a journal, he or she does not have to do the proposal; and then it will save a lot of time. Sounds really fantacy to me. I guess I'll start figuring out how this gonna work.
By the way, I've also been to Jalen's proposal last Friday. Since I have no one to compare to, I found Jalen's presentation was great even though the judges pointed out some of the points that he should have pay attention to. Alright I gotta go to a date now, I'll talk about Jalen's proposal next time.