2009年1月4日 星期日

Journal #10 A Fruitful Semester

Journal #10 A Fruitful Semester
Jan. 4th, 2009
First of all, let’s say “Happy New Year.” A year has passed, a semester is about to come to an end as well. However, before actually come to the end, there are so many reports, presentation, and final exams wait for us.
This semester is also my first year as a graduate student. I may not play my role as a graduate student well yet; however, I did my best to learn everything that I shall be learning. I concluded that the most important issue to be done during a master’s life is to accomplish the thesis. Here, I gotta say that thanks to Robert who tries so hard to serve and protect us on the process of producing our theses.
In the beginning of the semester, I did search for some of the theses that are related to translation and interpretation online, and I decided to work on the translation field at last. (Actually I’d never thought about writing something related to English Teaching.) In fact, I’d always dream about studying in a translation department. Comparing to TESOL, I like translation and interpretation better.
And then, I thought about several topics to myself. Some of them were rejected by the dean; but never mind, one of them has approved by Mr. Lin. Well, even though it is doable, I didn’t know whether I shall just stick to this topic or not. During the process of searching some material for references, I encounter some problems as well. (Technically, knowledge background, where to find, what to use…etc) For example, I had problems on keying the keyword, and Robert helped us on finding some of the material we need online one by one in class. He also showed us several useful links. That just pretty cool! I really enjoy Robert’s CALL class which is full of laughter and wisdom.
